Some of the learning
activities scheduled for this month include:
Dramatic Play
Making a barn out of a large
cardboard box
Dressing up like farmers and
farm animals
Where does the food from the
farm end up? At the Supermarket!
Science Table
Observing and comparing the many
grains and seeds farm animals eat
different kinds of eggs, milk, and cheese
Also making butter
Listening to stories about farm
Reciting finger plays representing
farm animals
Farm animal mobiles
What we get From the Farm
Farm lotto
Muddy fun (pigs)
Different types of grain, such
as oats, wheat, barley, and corn and measuring devices
Wool and feathers
Plastic farm animals
Food Pyramid
Music and Movement
Musical farm animals
Old MacDonald
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Eensy Weensy Spider
The Farmer in the Dell
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Miss Shylah's March 2011 Calendar
Scary Hairy by the children of the CDC |
Scary Hairy By: The CDC children as told to Miss Hope: Scary Hairy
isn't very scary. He lives near our kitchen and cooks shrimp for dinner. He needs huge shrimp and huge plates. He plays with
toys and plays with playdough. He cuts, cuts,cuts it. Sometimes he eats it. Then he takes a shower and goes to sleep. He sleeps
with a night light in the bathroom. When we leave school he tries to eat bugs. After he eats them his belly gets full and
his tummy hurts cuz his belly is so full and he has a tummy ache and he gets sick. He has to go to the hospital. When we get
to the hospital there is a monster nurse and a monster doctor.They give him shots and a flu shot cuz he caught a cold at school.
He takes a nap cuz they have a cot his size. We bring him back when he feels better. He's back near the kitchen. When he wakes
up he makes pancakes for breakfast. And they were this big!
The Monster Project link