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Meet the Teachers

Miss Shylah


Why I wanted to be a Teacher



Growing up in a rural town in North Carolina, I realized at an early age the responsibilities of growing up really meant. At the age of 12, I was the oldest of the family. My mother as a single parent raising three children and holding down a career was taking its toll. I assumed the duties of motherhood when my mom was working. Raising my little sister and infant brother was no easy task, but as time passed I was getting the “hang of it”! At times I felt alone in my fear of not doing things right, but I knew that they depended on me as much as my mom depended on me.  I enjoyed and learned from the experience, and the rewards of accomplishments that went with it.

        When I finished high school, I wasn’t sure what direction I wanted to take. I had in mind all sorts of ideas and career goals of making lots of money and being successful. In my heart though, my love and guidance of raising my siblings pointed me in the right direction on what I wanted to do.                                              

            I enrolled in college to pursue my degree in early childhood development. Learning in class and having the years of practical experience furthered my goal and landed my first paying job as a student aid with Bergen Community College, Child Development Center. I love helping and teaching the children to learn and cope with the everyday development, and having love and respect for one another. In time, I also developed my own skills in teaching, and in short time I became an assistant teacher, and then finally a Group teacher.      

            I am very happy of the accomplishments I have made, and happy to have a class of my very own. It is very important to enjoy what you do, and know that what you are doing is making an important difference in the future of Childs life. This is why I love and wanted to be a Teacher.



Shylah Hermann

Group Teacher

Child Development Center, BCC


Miss Carol


I’m very happy to be working with Miss Shylah.


I received my degree in early childhood Education from BCC and I’m grateful to have been given the opportunity to work here.  I’ve worked in the field for more than fifteen years.


            My hobbies include drawing and painting.  I also enjoy home decorating and sewing.   My favorite pastime is spending as much time as possible with my two beautiful granddaughters Emily and Bethany.  They live in Maryland with my daughter Cheryl and her husband Morgan.  I live with my son Jamie and our golden retriever Maggie.  Aside from my LOVE OF CHILDREN; my desire to keep my son close lead me to a job at a preschool where I was able to bring him along with me which lead me into this field.


            I’m looking forward to sharing my experiences as I learn and grow right along with the children.  I know everyday will be as rewarding as the next!

